Gate-Source Voltage Calculator

The Gate Source Voltage of a FET transistor is the voltage applied across the gate-source terminal of the transistor. This Calculator calculates the Gate-Source voltage of a MOSFET in terms of Input Voltage, Transconductance, and the value of the Series Resistor.

Enter the Input Voltage, MOSFET Transconductance and Resistor to calculate the Gate Source Voltage of a MOSFET

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  • Gate Source Voltage
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The Gate Source Voltage is very important because it is the voltage that is responsible for turning ON and OFF a MOSFET. The MOSFET turns on when the gate-source voltage higher than the rated gate threshold voltage, is applied. The drain-source on-state resistance is larger than the rated value when the gate voltage is around the threshold voltage because the channel is insufficiently formed. When increasing the gate-source voltage, it including the surge voltage should be within the absolute maximum rating.
