Three Phase Power Factor Calculator
Power factor is the measure of how effectively the incoming power is used in an electrical system. This calculator calculates the Power Factor of a 3 Phase Rectifier.
Enter the Trigger Angle and Commutation Interval to calculate the Power Factor

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A three-phase rectifier is a device that rectifies the input alternating current voltage using a three-phase transformer and three diodes linked to each of the three phases of the transformer's secondary winding.
Significance of 3 Phase Rectifier
A single phase rectifier also rectifies, that is, transforms an alternating current source to a direct current supply, but it only employs one phase of the transformer's secondary coil for the conversion. And the diodes are linked to the single phase transformer's secondary winding. One notable advantage of three phase transformers is that the rectified voltage does not drop to zero when no smoothing device is applied.