RMS Harmonic Voltage Calculator

The ratio of the total power of all harmonic components to the total power of the fundamental frequency is known as harmonic voltage distortion.
The RMS value is used to express a waveform's overall "size" as a single numerical value. By extension, a complex waveform with only a few non-zero values can be represented by harmonic amplitudes. This calculator calculates the RMS Harmonic Voltage of a Half Bridge Single-Phase PWM Inverter.

Enter the Generalised Harmonic and DC Supply Voltage to calculate the RMS Harmonic Voltage

  • Unitless


  • RMS Harmonic Voltage

The magnitude of the fundamental frequency and major harmonics for single-phase PWM inverters may be calculated using the formula given and values from the Generalized Harmonics table given below. 


The RMS value is used to express a waveform's overall "size" as a single numerical value. By extension, a complex waveform with only a few non-zero values can be represented by harmonic amplitudes. This calculator calculates the RMS Harmonic Voltage of a Full Bridge Single-Phase PWM Inverter.

Enter the Generalised Harmonic and DC Supply Voltage to calculate the RMS Harmonic Voltage

  • Unitless


  • RMS Harmonic Voltage

The magnitude of the fundamental frequency and major harmonics for single-phase PWM inverters may be calculated using the formula given and values from the Generalized Harmonics table given below. 
