Editorial Team - everything PE
Jan 9, 2023
Current Transducer is an electronic device which converts current into a corresponding electrical signal as per standardized industrial requirements. For instance, a transducer may take a sinusoidal AC current as an input and convert it into a DC signal which is proportional to the input provided. We can choose specific transducers for specific resultant electrical signals, which varies as per the functional requirements of the end terminal equipment. Like a 4-20 mA current transducers are best fit for alarm systems and PLCs.
In simple words, we can say that a current transducer is the device that converts the current signal we input, viz. Primary current, into another signal, viz. Secondary current, desirable for circuit boards and instruments.
A current transducer has four parts consisting of two components and two circuits namely: Sensitive Component, Conversion Component, Conversion Circuit and Power Circuit.
As mentioned above, each part of the circuit plays an important role in fetching the final desired output.
Let’s take a look at how a Current transducer works:
Though the basic working principle is similar in all the tranducers, the output differs as per the industrial requirements for different devices. Different types of current transducers are available in the market based on the output signal parameters required. This can be a voltage, current or other parameter.
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