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Sep 12, 2021
DC to AC Inverter is used to convert the input DC power into AC output power at desired output voltage and frequency. The AC output voltage could be a fixed or variable frequency. The DC input power to the inverter may be from a battery, fuel cell, solar cell, SMPS, or other DC sources. This conversion process is achieved utilizing controlled power transistor switching devices such as BJTs, MOSFETs, IGBTs, MCTs, SITs, and GTOs.
Key features of DC to AC Inverter:
Inverters are classified as self-commutated and line-commutated inverters.
Self-commutated inverters are further categorized as Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) and Current Source Inverters (CSI).
DC to AC inverters are ideal for use in all types of utility loads such as home appliances, power tools, office equipment, and portable equipment, adjustable speed AC drives, induction heating, vehicles, stand by aircraft power supplies, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) for computers, solar power, and HVDC system.
Click here to learn more about DC-AC Inverters featured on everything PE.
Click here to learn more about voltage source inverters.
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