Editorial Team - everything PE
May 22, 2024
A Quasi-Resonant Converter (QRC) is a type of power converter that utilizes resonant switching to optimize power conversion efficiency. Resonant switching is a technique used in power converters to minimize switching losses. The basic idea of a quasi-resonator circuit is to utilize a resonant circuit (parasitic elements through a tank circuit) to achieve zero-voltage or zero-current conditions for the power switch during turn-on or turn-off, respectively. This approach minimizes switching losses by allowing the switching element to naturally reach a zero current state, enabling zero-current switching (ZCS) when turning off the element.
In traditional converters, power dissipation mainly occurs during switching. Quasi-resonant converters reduce turn-on switching losses by dynamically connecting the power switch in parallel to the tank circuit for Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) or in series for Zero-Current Switching (ZCS). These converters optimize the power transfer process and enhance efficiency by leveraging resonant circuits to control the switching behavior effectively.
Working Principle:
Quasi-Resonant Converter
The working of a quasi-resonant converter is based on a resonant switching element. When the FET (Field-Effect Transistor) is turned on in a quasi-resonant converter, it generates a resonant pulse which is then filtered by the output LC circuit, similar to a traditional switching converter. The key aspects of the working of a quasi-resonant switch are as follows:
Key Features of Quasi-Resonant Converter
Quasi-resonant converters are used in various applications where efficiency and EMI performance are critical. Common applications include - switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) that are used in computers, televisions, and other consumer electronics, LED drivers, battery chargers, and telecommunications equipment.
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