What is Breakover Current of a Diac?

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Editorial Team - everything PE

Jun 7, 2024

The breakover current of a Diac (Diode for Alternating Current) is the minimum current required to trigger the device into conduction. In other words, it is the minimum current that must flow through the diac when the breakover voltage is reached, to maintain it in its conducting state. This current is typically specified for both the positive and negative directions and is an important parameter in determining the operating conditions of the diac in a circuit.

When the diac reaches its breakover voltage, it switches from its blocking state to its conducting state. For the diac to remain conducting, the current flowing through the diac must not fall below the breakover current value. Usually, diacs have a small value of breakover current, typically in the range of a few milliamperes (mA).

In practical circuits employing diacs, the breakover current of diac is an important parameter for ensuring reliable operation. For instance, when diacs are used in triggering circuits for triacs, the current through the diac must be sufficient to keep the triac conducting once it has been triggered.

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