Editorial Team - everything PE
Oct 24, 2024
Shock Current Path is the minimum resistance path through which an electric current passes when a person experiences an electric shock. This determines the intensity of shock and its potential effects on the body. The flow of electricity requires a closed electrical path or circuit. It requires two contact points on the body to complete this electric current flow. Whenever a person experiences an electric shock, the electricity enters the body through a contact point known as the Entry Point and exits through another contact point known as the Exit Point. Usually, the body provides a low-resistance path to the ground on departing the exit point.
The shock current path which is developed between the entry and exit points along with several other factors such as the magnitude of the current, the duration of exposure, and the type of current influences the shock hazard and determines which organs or body systems are affected.
Common Causes for Shock Current Path
Health Hazards
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