Benefits and Advantages of a 3kW GaN-based AC-DC Converter

Benefits and Advantages of a 3kW GaN-based  AC-DC Converter

GaN Systems’ Jimmy Liu reviews the design and performance of a GaN-based 3kW Bridgeless Totem Pole (BTP) PFC+LLC in a new webinar: "Benefits and Advantages of a GaN-based 3kW AC/DC PSU". This webinar highlights the advantages of GaN transistors in comparison to Silicon or Silicon Carbide MOSFETs for both BTP PFC and LLC converter as well as high frequency design considerations such as magnetic transformer and PCB layout. The experimental results demonstrate GaN’s high performance to exceed 80+ Titanium requirements with high power density greater than 80W/in3.

This webinar covers:

  • GaN transistor advantages in a 3kW AC/DC PSU.
  • How to exceed the 80+ Titanium requirements for datacenter PSU with high density.
  • System design considerations for magnetics and PCB layout with high frequency.

Click here to download a copy of the presentation.