Qorvo to Showcase QSPICE Simulation and Battery Management Solutions at APEC 2024

Qorvo to Showcase QSPICE Simulation and Battery Management Solutions at APEC 2024

At this year's APEC Conference to be held from Feb. 26-28 in Long Beach, California, Qorvo invites people to its booth #1857 to connect with the best minds in the fields of silicon carbide (SiC), battery management and SPICE simulation.

QSPICE Simulation Software

Experience the advanced QSPICE simulation tool and participate in three different 20-minute training sessions, including a Q&A with the tool's creator, Mike Engelhardt. Those who join one of Mr. Engelhardt's scheduled training sessions at the Qorvo booth will receive an exclusive QSPICE T-shirt. If you are unable to attend the sessions at APEC, check the Qorvo YouTube channel in March to view.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 27, 10 am, The QSPICE User-Interface
  • Tuesday, Feb. 27, 3 pm, Importing 3rd Party Models
  • Wednesday, Feb. 28, 10 am, Anatomy of a Macro Model Done Right

New SiC Modules

Qorvo is launching its inaugural SiC module family, featuring an innovative cascode JFET architecture. This highly integrated device family simplifies high-voltage designs and offers exceptional thermal performance with a drain-source on-resistance of less than 10 milli-ohms

Battery Management Demonstrations

Qorvo presents intelligent battery management solutions through a demonstration highlighting its high-voltage capability (up to 20 series) designed to cater to a diverse array of battery pack applications.

APEC Presentations

QSPICE: Level-Up on the Next Generation of SPICE Circuit Simulation
Mike Engelhardt
Theater 2, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 12:45 pm

Qorvo has introduced the industry’s latest and best free simulation tool, QSPICE. Mike Engelhardt, creator of the QSPICE simulator, has leveraged his experience authoring thousands of mixed-mode simulation models to develop a reliable power and analog simulation tool with unparalleled speed and accuracy, along with the ability to incorporate massive amounts of digital logic.

Surge Current Handling Capability of SiC FETs
Xuoeqing Li
T20.3 Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2:10-2:30 PT

Hear about how the surge current can withstand the breaking capability of a 1200 V-2 milli-ohms SiC FET. This session will discuss the needed device output characteristics, turn-off characteristics and thermal impedance. See an electro-thermal model which has been constructed to determine the time-current characteristics of a device. The experimental results show that the device can reliably withstand and turn off a surge current more than seven times its continuous current rating at the maximum-rated junction temperature. The excellent surge current handling capability proves that SiC FETs are excellent candidates for solid-state circuit protection applications.

High-Frequency Soft-Switching is Hard, but SiC FETs Simplify Design Effort
Mike Zhu
IS11.7 Wednesday, Feb. 28, 11:30-11:55 PT

While conduction losses are unavoidable in any power converter, the advent of soft-switching techniques reduces power losses, enabling higher efficiency and simplifying the design effort to reach efficiency targets such as 80 Plus Titanium. The reduced switching energy loss in the FET during every cycle has enabled the use of smaller magnetic components such as inductors and transformers, resulting in higher power density. This presentation is for beginners and intermediate engineers and provides a detailed review of the concept of soft-switching with particular attention to the behavior of the power FET and what electrical parameters of the FET are most relevant for soft-switching. The specific benefits brought by wide bandgap semiconductors such as Silicon Carbide versus traditional Silicon super junction MOSFETs are explained.

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