The TCKE805NL from Toshiba is a Single Input Single Output eFuse IC that has been specifically designed to offer protection to external circuits. It requires an input voltage from -0.3 V to 18 V and provides an output voltage of up to 18 V. This eFuse IC is built using CMOS linear integrated circuit Silicon monolithic technology and can be used as a reusable fuse in the event of a circuit failure. It integrates short-circuit protection (SCP) circuit to prevent voltage transients, an external resistor to provide an adjustable over-current limit, an external capacitance embedded to control slew rate, an external MOSFET control circuit to block reverse current, and under-voltage lockout protection (UVLO) to prevent false triggers. This eFuse IC also offers thermal protection and auto-discharge features to prevent over-temperature-related damages. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 3 x 3 x 0.7 mm and is ideal for power management of hard disk drives, portable electronics, and battery charging applications.