The 204Ah 4s6p from Leclanche SA is a Lithium Titanate Oxide Battery that is ideal for road (electric vehicles) and marine vehicle applications. This battery provides a charging voltage of 11.2 V, energy of 1.8 kWh, and a capacity of 204 Ah. It integrates 24 cells and is based on lithium titanate-oxide technology that offers superior performance and longevity compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. This NMC battery uses Leclanché’s proprietary ceramic cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality, safe, and durable battery systems. It provides exceptional durability and fast charging capabilities by reaching a charge capacity of 80% in 10 minutes. This battery supports a depth of discharge (DoD) of 100% for improved efficiency and operates across a wide temperature range, making it ideal for various environments. It can also be remotely controlled via built-in CAN ports. This NMC battery is available in a module with dimensions of 404 x 175 mm.