The EPC7002 from Efficient Power Conversion is a Radiation-Hardened GaN Power Transistor that has been specifically designed for critical applications in high-reliability or commercial satellite space environments. The transistor has a drain-source breakdown voltage of 40 V, a gate threshold voltage of 1.4 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of 8.5 milli-ohms. It has a continuous drain current of up to 10 A and a pulsed drain current of less than 62 A. This transistor possesses an ultra-low drain-source on-resistance and gate charge in addition to zero reverse recovery charge, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced power consumption. It offers exceptionally high electron mobility and a low-temperature coefficient and has a lateral structure to ensure a very low gate charge and extremely fast switching times. This GaN transistor includes features that enable faster power supply switching frequencies to achieve higher power densities, higher efficiencies, and more compact designs. It is available as a passivated die that measures 1.7 x 1.1 mm and is ideal for space applications such as DC-DC power, motor drives, lidar, ion thrusters, commercial satellite EPS & avionics, deep space probes, high-frequency rad hard DC-DC conversion and rad-hard motor drives applications.