The AHV85110KNHTR from Allegro MicroSystems is an Automotive Qualified Single-Channel, Isolated Gate Driver that has been specifically designed to efficiently drive GaN FETs in various applications and topologies. It requires an input voltage of 10.5 - 13.2 V. This gate driver features an integrated isolated output bias supply to eliminate the need for an external gate drive auxiliary bias supply or high-side bootstrap, simplify the system design, and reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). It can also drive a floating switch at any location in a switching power topology. This gate driver is optimized for high-frequency designs and ensures efficient performance with GaN FETs due to its fast propagation delay and high peak source/sink capability. It offers high common mode transient immunity (CMTI) and isolated outputs for both bias power and drives, making it ideal for applications requiring isolation, level-shifting, or ground separation for noise immunity.
This AEC-Q100-qualified gate driver integrates multiple protection features, including under voltage lockout (UVLO) on both the primary and secondary bias rails, an internal pull-down on the input (IN) and output pull-down (OUTPD) pins and a fast response enable input. It also effectively prevents the occurrence of asynchronous runt pulses by synchronizing the output (OUT) pulse with the first rising edge of input (IN) after enabling. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 10 x 7.66 x 2.41 mm and is ideal for totem-pole PFC, LLC half-/full-bridge, SR drive, multi-level converters, phase-shifted full-bridge, EV chargers, OBC, data center, transportation, robotics, audio, micro-inverters, string-inverters, and solar applications.