The P3000ZL45X168 from Infineon Technologies is a Field Stop Trench IGBT. It has a collector-emitter voltage of over 4500 V, collector-emitter saturation voltage of 2.25 V, and a gate-emitter threshold voltage of 6.6 V. This IGBT has a DC collector current of up to 3000 A, a peak collector current of less than 6000 A, and a gate-emitter leakage current of 0.35 µA. It offers high dynamic robustness with double-sided cooling capabilities and can deliver optimal performance. This Press Pack IGBT has a high short-circuit capability to protect the circuit against over-voltage or over-current related damages. It is available in a hermetically sealed disc package and is ideal for modular multi-level inverter MMC for HVDC and FACTS, medium-voltage converters, high power converters, and DC breaker applications.