The IXYH85N120A4 from Littelfuse is a Field Stop Trench IGBT that can be integrated into high power density designs involving high inrush currents and requiring low loss. It has a collector-emitter breakdown voltage of over 1200 V, a gate threshold voltage of 6.5 V, and a saturated collector-emitter voltage of 1.8 V. This IGBT has a collector current of up to 300 A and a gate-emitter leakage current of ±100 nA. It utilizes Littelfuse's XPT thin-wafer technology and 4th generation (GenX4) Trench IGBT process to minimize the requirement for gate driver as well as conduction losses. This IGBT features reduced thermal resistance which further lowers the gate charge requirement and power losses, thus improving the current density. It allows easy paralleling of devices due to its positive collector-to-emitter voltage temperature coefficient and is capable of hard switching operations. This IGBT is available in a through-hole package that measures 40.71 x 15.75 mm and is ideal for battery chargers, lamp ballasts, power inverters, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and welding machine applications.