The HV809 from Microchip Technology is an Offline High Voltage EL Lamp Driver IC that has been designed for driving EL lamps with a capacitance of up to 350 nF at 400 Hz. It requires an input voltage of 50 - 200 V. This lamp driver primarily consists of a high-voltage output H-bridge, an output linear regulator, and two internal oscillators. It uses an externally connected resistor to set the frequency of the output H-bridge with an RC network to pulse the EL lamp between ON and OFF states. This IC can be driven using rectified nominal 120 V AC source or any other DC source operating up to 200 V. It generates an AC square wave with a peak-to-peak voltage of 400 V to drive the input of an EL lamp.
This driver IC is available in a surface-mount package that measures 4.8 x 5.8 mm and is ideal for electronic organizers, portable instrumentation equipment, handheld portable computers, and display applications.