The ASL5008FHN from NXP Semiconductors is a fully featured and flexible Matrix LED Controller (MLC) IC that is ideal for automotive lighting, matrix/pixel high beam (ADB / Glare-Free High Beam - GFHB), matrix/pixel low beam (ADB), dynamic turning indicator, welcoming scenarios and dynamic rear lights applications. It requires an input voltage of 5 V. This IC provides a cost-effective design solution that specifically targets advanced automotive exterior lighting systems. It uses polynomial coefficients to calculate the PWM duty cycle to 12-bit resolution and provides the capability to increase the speed of the PWM dimming curve dynamically or sequentially combine several PWM dimming curves together. This AEC-Q006 qualified LED driver IC has the functionality to correct the LED brightness variations to ensure a homogenous light output from LEDs that have luminance variations with the same LED current.
The ASL5008FHN has an internal 200 MHz oscillator that eliminates the need for an external Quartz (reducing system cost and providing better EMC behavior) crystal oscillator for synchronization and clock generation. This AEC-Q100-qualified IC is equipped with built-in single LED open/short detection and protection functions to prevent short-circuit-related damages. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 6 x 6 mm.