The NTMFS0D9N04XLT1G from onsemi is a Single N-channel MOSFET that has been designed for high switching frequency DC−DC conversion and synchronous rectification applications. It has a drain-source breakdown voltage of over 40 V, a gate threshold voltage of up to 2.2 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of less than 0.9 milli-ohms. This MOSFET has a continuous drain current of up to 278 A and a power dissipation of less than 136 W. It is designed with a low drain-source on-resistance to minimize conduction loss, ensuring efficient power management. This MOSFET features low reverse recovery charge with soft recovery to minimize ERR loss and voltage spikes during operation. It includes low gate charge and capacitance that reduces driving and switching losses, enhancing overall performance. This RoHS-compliant MOSFET is available in a surface-mount package that measures 6.3 x 5.3 mm.