The PLE856CBAR47M-1PT00 from TDK Corporation is a Thin Film Power Inductor. It has an inductance of 0.47 µH and an inductance tolerance of ±20%. This inductor has a current rating of 0.72 A and a DCR of 180 milli-ohms. It utilizes thin-film processing techniques and metallic magnetic materials. This RoHS-compliant power inductor uses low-loss magnetic material that makes it possible to achieve low AC loss and provide a highly efficient power supply circuit in solutions that emphasize AC loss. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 0.80 x 0.65 x 0.45 mm and is suitable for low-power consumption communication modules of Bluetooth low energy, wearable products such as wireless earphones and smartwatches, and small power supply module applications.