The FASAS03SFR from XP Power is an EMI Filter that is ideal for consumer, commercial, ITE, and instrumentation type applications. It has an AC voltage rating of 250 V and a current rating of 10 A. This power line filter is designed to offer excellent attenuation of conducted electromagnetic interference occurring in the mains supply when connected with a mains powered equipment, making it suitable for class I appliances. It features a wide operating temperature range from -40°C to +110°C and can withstand a high dielectric voltage of up to 1500 V. This EN60939-2 and ANSI/UL1283-approved EMI filter is fitted with a bleed resistor to safely discharge the charge in filter capacitors upon disconnecting from the power supply is disconnected. It is available in a screw-mount package that measures 58 x 50.4 x 20.6 mm.