The PI7C9X3G1632GP from Diodes Incorporated is a 16 Port PCIe GEN3 Packet Switch that has an input voltage of 0.95 V to 1.8 V. It is based on an architecture that allows flexible port configuration by allocating variable lane width for each port. This switch consists of a tile containing 8 ports and 16 lanes and is in-built with 2 tiles that are connected by internal signal paths. It can be configured to have different port types such as upstream and downstream ports to support various port configurations for fan-out applications in either single switch or dual-switch partition modes. This switch protects end-to-end data link with ECC, and other error handling mechanisms to ensure reliability and optimum performance.
The PI7C9X3G1632GP supports 7 power states and uses start-up power management and continuous power management schemes to efficiently monitor and control the power utilized by the device. This RoHS complaint packet switch also integrates advanced diagnostic tools such as PHY Eye, MAC Viewer, PCIBUDDY, online PRBS loopback test, and online compliance pattern test to allow for a proper system operation. It is available in a chip package that measures 27 x 27 mm and is ideal for multiple-host and communication applications.