CPSSC 2023 - Next-Generation GaN power ICs Drive Transformer Revolution
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) is the only pure-play, next-generation power-semiconductor company, founded in 2014. GaNFast™ power ICs integrate gallium nitride (GaN) power and drive, with control, sensing, and protection to enable faster charging, higher power density, and greater energy savings. Complementary GeneSiC™ power devices are optimized high-power, high-voltage, and high-reliability silicon carbide (SiC) solutions. Focus markets include EV, solar, energy storage, home appliance / industrial, data center, mobile and consumer. Over 185 Navitas patents are issued or pending. Over 100 million GaN and 12 million SiC units have been shipped, and with the industry’s first and only 20-year GaNFast warranty. Navitas was the world’s first semiconductor company to be CarbonNeutral®-certified.Navitas Semiconductor, GaNFast, GaNSafe, GeneSiC and the Navitas logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Navitas Semiconductor Limited and affiliates. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners
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