What is an Isolated AC to DC Converter?

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Editorial Team - everything PE

Sep 19, 2021

Isolated AC to DC Converter separates the input from the output by electrically and physically dividing the circuit into two sections and hence preventing direct current flow between the input and output. An isolated AC to DC converter uses a high-frequency transformer to provide isolation or galvanic isolation (physically and electrically separate two circuits) between the AC input and DC output circuits. 

An isolated AC to DC converter usually consists of a diode bridge rectifier on the primary side, an input filter capacitor, switching devices such as power MOSFET or SCR or power transistor, a high-frequency transformer, inductor, filter capacitor in the output side, and control circuits to provide regulated DC output.

Key benefits of Isolated AC to DC Converters:

  • Provides safety to humans and sensitive devices from the high and potentially hazardous AC input voltage.
  • Breaking ground loops.
  • Avoids floating outputs and level shifting.

The isolated AC-DC converters are ideal for use in medical, industrial, instrumentation, smart home, commercial and industrial electronic equipment, IoT, telecommunication, battery charger, cell phone chargers, vehicle or aircraft batteries, military, kitchen appliances, DC motors, and other consumer electronics.