Melexis Introduces Development Kits for Contactless Current Sensing

Melexis Introduces Development Kits for Contactless Current Sensing

Melexis, a global microelectronics engineering company, has introduced two new development kits. They enable engineers to study the functional capabilities of Melexis current sensor ICs, thereby shortening customer development times and accelerating project completion. One DVK allows engineers to experiment with arrangements featuring IMC-Hall technology (with or without the inclusion of shielding), while the other does the same for conventional core-based Hall technology. Using them, engineers will be able to validate their hardware with different sensor capabilities and cover different current sensing ranges.

The new DVKs come with several Melexis current sensors. This way engineers can test different magnetic configurations and ICs, saving time and effort in the selection process. The DVK for IMC-Hall includes the MLX91208 and MLX91216 ICs, plus the recently launched MXL91218. The DVK for Conventional Hall comes with the MLX91209, MLX91211, MLX91217 and MLX91219. These effectively cover Melexis' second generation of external primary current-sensors.

3D-printed holders are provided with the DVKs to keep the shields and cores (if applicable) firmly in place. Engineers don’t need to construct their own fixings, this saves them both time and effort. The materials used are capable of dealing with higher temperatures (170 °C). The DVKs also include bus bars, which simplify the setup process.

“These new DVKs provide engineers with designing systems that make their lives easier. The hassle of building your own setup, sourcing material from different suppliers, is now finally over,” explains Bruno Boury, Product Line Manager Current Sensors, Melexis. “Using these DVKs and the various devices included, they can quickly and comfortably assess the operational parameters of their systems. They can then select the ideal current sensor from the Melexis portfolio for their specific requirements. This leads to better-realized design concepts and faster time to market.”