EPC Releases Documentation Report on GaN Reliability and eGaN Device Lifetime

EPC Releases Documentation Report on GaN Reliability and eGaN Device Lifetime

EPC announces its Phase-14 Reliability Report, documenting the strategy used to achieve a remarkable field reliability record. The rapid adoption of GaN devices in many diverse applications calls for the continued accumulation of reliability statistics and research into the fundamental physics of failure in GaN devices. The Phase-14 Reliability Report presents the strategy used to measure and predict lifetime based upon tests that force devices to fail under various conditions. This information can be used to create more robust and higher performance products for applications such as lidar for autonomous cars, robotics, security and drones, high power density computing, and satellites, to name just a few.

This report presents the results of testing eGaN devices to the point of failure, which provides the information to identify intrinsic failure mechanisms of the devices. By identifying these intrinsic failure mechanisms, deep knowledge of the behavior of a device over time, temperature, electrical or mechanical stress can be developed and used to create physics-based models that accurately project the safe operating life of a product over a more broad set of operating conditions.  

This report is divided into eight sections, each dealing with a different failure mechanism:

  • Section 1: Intrinsic failure mechanisms impacting the gate electrode of eGaN devices
  • Section 2: Intrinsic mechanisms underlying dynamic RDS(on)
  • Section 3: Applying the physics-based model to common real-world use cases
  • Section 4: Safe operating area (SOA)
  • Section 5: Testing devices to destruction under short-circuit conditions
  • Section 6: Custom test to assess reliability over long-term lidar pulse stress conditions
  • Section 7: Mechanical force stress testing
  • Section 8: Thermo-mechanical stress

According to Dr. Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder of EPC, “The release of EPC’s Phase-14 reliability report represents the cumulative experience of millions of devices and five generations of technology to lead to a deeper understanding of the behavior of GaN devices over a wide range of stress conditions.”

Click here to read more about EPC's Phase-14 reliability report.

Click here to see EPC's interview with everything PE.