At the recent IPAC 2024 (International Particle Accelerator Conference in Nashville, Tenessee, USA researchers from the American Argonne National Laboratory presented a paper about their ‘Precision current measurement and calibration system for the APS-U unipolar magnet power supplies’. The measurement system uses several custom commercial DCCT current transducers from Danisense, the leader in high-accuracy current sense transducers for demanding applications.
The APS Upgrade (APS-U) multi-bend acromat storage ring from the Argonne National Laboratory requires 1000 high-stability unipolar magnet power supplies. For these power supplies, a precision current measurement and calibration system has been developed to independently measure the power supply output current to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the supplies. The measurement system uses custom commercial DCCT current transducers from Danisense and APS-U-designed electronics. The calibration system is designed to perform on-demand calibration of all 1000 DC measurement channels simultaneously using a single current reference source instrument. The calibration system includes a precision current multiplier and impedance buffer based on a novel use of DCCT technology that provides a local precision calibration current for up to 6 DCCTs in series through multi-turn low impedance calibration windings.
Comments Loic Moreau, Sales & Marketing Director at Danisense: “We are very proud that the Argonne National Laboratory has chosen current transducers from Danisense for this project. Our engineers were heavily involved in the project and assisted the researchers in setting up the measurement system with our highly reliable and very precise current transducers.”