
GaN Power Transistor by Cambridge GaN Devices (8 more products)

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CGD65A130S2 Image

The CGD65A130S2 from Cambridge GaN Devices is an Enhancement Mode GaN-on-Silicon Power Transistor that is ideal for PSUs, Industrial SMPS and inverters, server power and data centers, telecom rectifiers, gaming PSUs, PC power supply, LED drivers, high power class-D audio, general purpose SMPS, PV inverters, SMPS and converters in single-switch and half-bridge topologies with hard or soft-switching, AC/DC inverters, totem pole, and single-switch PFC, forward, flyback and high-frequency LLC converters applications. This GaN HEMT has a drain-source breakdown voltage of over 650 V, a gate threshold voltage of up to 4.2 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of less than 350 milli-ohms. It has a continuous drain current of up to 12 A. This GaN-on-Si transistor exploits the unique material properties of GaN to deliver high current, high breakdown voltage, and high switching frequency for a wide range of electronics applications.

This GaN power transistor is based on CGD’s ICeGaN gate technology, making it compatible with virtually all available gate drivers and controller chips for Si MOSFETs. It also integrates a current sense function that eliminates the need for a separate current sense resistor, thereby reducing associated efficiency losses and enabling it to be directly soldered to the large copper area of the ground plane, which improves the thermal performance, and simplifies the thermal design. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 8 x 8 mm.

Product Specifications

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Product Details

  • Part Number
  • Manufacturer
    Cambridge GaN Devices
  • Description
    650 V Enhancement Mode GaN-on-Silicon Power Transistor


  • Configuration
  • Gate Threshold Voltage
    4.2 V
  • Drain Source Voltage
    650 V
  • Drain Source Resistance
    350 milli-ohm
  • Continous Drain Current
    12 A
  • Total Charge
    2.3 nC
  • Output Capacitance
    25 pF
  • Turn-on Delay Time
    6 ns
  • Turn-off Delay Time
    20 ns
  • Rise Time
    6 ns
  • Fall Time
    6 ns
  • Temperature operating range
    -55 to 150 Degree C
  • Package Type
    Surface Mount
  • Applications
    Server power and data centres, Telecom rectifiers, Gaming PSUs, PC power, LED drivers, High power Class-D Audio, General purpose SMPS, PV inverters, SMPS and converters in single-switch and halfbridge topologies with hard- or soft-switching, AC/DC inverters, Totem pole and single-switch PFC, Forward, flyback and LLC converters at high frequency
  • Dimensions
    8 x 8 mm

Technical Documents

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