The GNP1070TC-Z from ROHM Semiconductor is an Enhancement Mode GaN Power Transistor that has achieved the industry’s highest figure of merit (FOM). It has a drain-source breakdown voltage of over 650 V, a gate threshold voltage of 1.45 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of 73 milli-ohms. This transistor has a continuous drain current of up to 20 A and a pulsed drain current of less than 66 A. It efficiently utilizes the benefits of low drain-source on-resistance and high-speed switching to offer high power conversion efficiency and a size reduction. This GaN transistor integrates electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection functions to ensure a highly reliable design. It is integrated into a highly versatile package that provides excellent heat dissipation and facilitates mounting. This RoHS-compliant transistor is available in a surface-mount package that measures 8.0 x 8.0 x 0.9 mm and is ideal for high-switching frequency converters and high-density converter applications.