The V08TC065S1X11 from VisIC Technologies is a Direct Drive D-Mode Power Switch that has been designed for applications requiring high power and efficiency with low volume and cost. It has a drain-source voltage of 650 V, a gate-source voltage of over -25 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of 8 milli-ohms. This GaN transistor has a continuous drain current of up to 200 A and a pulsed drain current of less than 380 A. It integrates a patented, high-density, lateral GaN power transistor into a normally-off product with very low drain-source on-resistance and efficient switching performance. This power switch has been implemented in an isolated high-power package, which is an innovative method of VisIC technologies. It also incorporates safety functions to ensure safe operation during system start-up and shutdown while causing no impact on the switching performance.
This transistor supports top-side cooling and is driven to a sufficient voltage level by a standard 15 V MOSFET driver. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 21 x 23 x 3 mm and is ideal for solar inverters, AC-DC power supplies, AC motors, laser drivers, battery chargers, and automotive applications.