The SIHP054N65E-GE3 from Vishay is a MOSFET is an N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET that is ideal for server and telecom power supplies, switch mode power supplies (SMPS), power factor correction power supplies (PFC), high-intensity discharge (HID), fluorescent ballast lighting, welding, induction heating, motor drives, battery chargers, and solar (PV inverters) applications. It has a drain-source breakdown voltage of over 650 V, a gate threshold voltage of up to 5 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of less than 0.058 ohms. This MOSFET has a continuous drain current of up to 47 A and a power dissipation of less than 312 W. It benefits from a low figure-of-merit (FOM) and a reduced drain-source on-resistance (RON) x gate charge (Qg), translating to enhanced performance and efficiency.
This MOSFET has a low effective capacitance, minimizing the impact on the design circuit and improving overall efficiency. It guarantees a reliable and robust technology solution by reducing switching and conduction losses, along with its avalanche energy rating (UIS). This MOSFET is available in a through-hole package that measures 10.52 x 30.25 x 4.65 mm.