The V22TC65S1A1 from VisIC Technologies is a Direct Drive D-Mode Power Switch IC that is ideal for solar inverter, AC-DC power supply, AC motor, battery charger, laser driver, and automotive applications. It requires an input voltage from -25 V to 6 V. This power switch IC integrates a patented, high-density, lateral GaN power transistor into a normally-off product that results in extremely low drain-source on-resistance, exceptionally efficient, and ultra-fast switching performance. It implements VisIC’s innovative D3GaN technology in its isolated package, which makes it useful for applications that require high power and efficiency, low volume, and cost.
The V22TC65S1A1 also implements safety functions to ensure safe operation during system start-up and shutdown mode, while not affecting the switching performance of the GaN transistor. It is available in a surface-mount package.