Current source inverter vs. Voltage source inverter topology

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  • Author: Aaron VanderMeulen and John Maurin
In the medium voltage adjustable speed drive market, the various topologies have evolved with components, design, and reliability. The two major types of drives are known as voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI). In industrial markets, the VSI design has proven to be more efficient, have higher reliability and faster dynamic response, and be capable of running motors without de-rating. VSI fully integrated design saves money with higher efficiencies, minimizing install time, eliminating interconnect power cabling costs, and reducing building floor space. Efficiencies are 97% with high power factor through all load and speed ranges. Fast dynamic response for rapid changes in motor torque and speed allow a wide range of applications. Minimum component count increases the mean time to failure (MTTF), an important number in critical uptime applications. Also, new replacement motors are not required for retrofit applications. All of these factors produce a high-quality, robust, industrial design.
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