Low Power Sensor Fusion for Wearables and Wireless Devices

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  • Author: Christopher Piggin, Wessel Lubberhuizen
Over recent decades there have been many advances in the miniaturization, processing capability and power efficiency of microelectronic and wireless technologies. These have led to the advent of smart computing devices that operate independently and that are small, light and power efficient enough to be easily handled or worn about one’s person on a daily basis. Many of these devices can sense their environment as well as various aspects of their wearer’s state and movement using sensors which detect temperature, pressure, humidity, heart rate, proximity, touch, acceleration, rotation and magnetic field. While each individual sensor has its own specific use, the real value comes when combining the information from multiple sensors using intelligent sensor fusion algorithms to derive more complex metrics that provide a better indication and overall understanding of what is happening. Sensor fusion algorithms are extremely useful for tracking peoples’ activities and behavior as well as for allowing people to interact with their devices using gestures, touch and other real world stimuli.
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