The ISL70020SEHML from Renesas is an Enhancement Mode GaN Power Transistor that is ideal for switching regulation, motor drives, relay drives, inrush protection, and down-hole drilling applications. This transistor has a drain-source voltage of up to 40 V, a gate threshold voltage of less than 1.2 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of 3.5 milli-ohms. It has a continuous drain current of up to 40 A and a pulsed drain current of less than 65 A. This GaN transistor has undergone testing for total ionizing dose (TID) radiation and has been assessed for destructive single-event effects (SEE), making it suitable for commercial aerospace, medical, and nuclear power generation applications. It has very high electron mobility and a low-temperature coefficient, which results in low drain-source on-state resistance. This transistor provides low gate charge and reverse recovery charge due to its lateral device structure and integration of a majority carrier diode. It is available in a hermetically sealed surface-mount package that measures 9 x 4.7 mm.