The TSG65N068CE RVG from Taiwan Semiconductor is an Enhancement Mode GaN Power Transistor. The transistor has a drain-source breakdown voltage of 650 V and a gate threshold voltage of 1.7 V. It has a continuous drain current of 30 A and drain-source resistance of 50 milli-ohms. This transistor has a source sense (SS) pin that minimizes source impedance with a transient tolerant feature for simplified and optimized gate drive requirements. It has zero reverse recovery loss and offers reverse conduction while having fast and controllable fall and rise times which leads to increased efficiency and accuracy. This RoHS-compliant GaN transistor is available in a surface-mount package that measures 8 x 8 mm and is ideal for bridgeless totem-pole PFC, consumer, industrial, and data center high-density power supplies, high power adapters, LED lighting drivers, solar inverters, uninterruptable power supplies, appliance, and industrial motor drives, laser drivers and wireless power transfer applications.