The RGW60TS65D from ROHM Semiconductor is a Field Stop Trench IGBT that is ideal for PFC, UPS, welding, solar inverter, and IH applications. It has a collector-emitter breakdown voltage of over 650 V, a saturated collector-emitter voltage of 1.5 V, and a gate-emitter voltage of ±30 V. This IGBT has a collector current of up to 60 A, a forward current of less than 40 A, and a gate-emitter leakage current of ±200 nA. It has a power dissipation of less than 178 W. This RoHS-compliant IGBT is designed with a built-in fast recovery diode that provides high-speed switching and low switching loss at a minimal saturated collector-emitter voltage. It is available in a through-hole package that measures 16 x 21 mm.