The BM3G115MUV-LB from ROHM Semiconductor is a GaN Power Stage that has been designed to adapt to the majority of the existing controllers, allowing it to replace traditional discrete power switches such as super junction MOSFETs. It requires an input voltage of 6.83-30 V and an input current of 1.2 mA. This power stage provides an optimum solution for all electronic systems requiring high power density and efficiency. It consists of an Enhancement Mode GaN HEMT transistor, a Silicon driver, an LDO regulator, a drive strength setting function, interfaces, and protection functions. The integration of several such components into ROHM’s single package significantly minimizes the parasitic inductance and contributes to a high switching slew rate of up to 150 V/ns. This IC also exhibits a low propagation delay, making it easy to use compared to traditional Silicon MOSFETs.
This power stage also offers an adjustable gate drive strength that results in low electromagnetic interference (EMI) along with under-voltage lockout (UVLO) and thermal shutdown (TSD) protection capabilities to protect this IC from damage. The protection circuitries also provide optimized cost and PCB size. This power stage IC is available in a surface-mount package that measures 8.0 x 8.0 x 1.0 mm and is ideal for power supplies with high power density, totem pole PFC, LLC power supplies, adapters, and industrial applications.